Affiliate Disclosure

I love keeping my scribbles publicly accessible. However, keeping this page on the internet does cost money. To offset the cost for running the page, I include affiliate links in some pages. When working with affiliate links I want to be as clear and open as possible, so here’s the rules I try to follow:

  • All Pages that contain affiliate links are clearly maked with a short note right afterthe title
  • All links that are affiliate links are marked as such if possible
  • If direct marking is not possible, there will be a note right before or after the link
  • I try to make the note stand out from the surrounding text

All affiliate links do not cost you anything, there’s not hidden costs or extras you pay. If you make a purchase using my affiliate links, and only then, I do get a small share.

Should you want to support me directly, without using the affiliate links, consider buying me a ko-fi 😊

Amazon associates

My website

participates in the Amazon Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to, and

As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.